Hey all!
This is my final blog post assignment for my class, and I have decided to use it to talk about this entire experience. What independent learning was like, and how it has affected me.
To start off I want to point out, I had my doubts. I was excited to begin, but I also didn't see much happening. I figured I would 'work' towards my goal and only learn small things along the way that would help make the final product happen. No. I have studied and learnt WAY more than I planned. Did I cook a lot? No, I didn't do much in the kitchen. But I have gained serious confidence in the kitchen and knowledge of how to become better. I have spent a lot of time on the computer researching recipes and watching tutorials. I have googled different types of pasta and different baking instruments. When I started this project I expected the only way I could improve was through making meals every week. And while I still see validity in that statement, I also see how research can improve your meal making. Overall I have learned how to use Google to make kitchen work and meals seem a lot less scary and even fun.
This whole experience has been like nothing I've ever done before. I'm one of those students that likes tests because they know their facts (decently..). This class and this method of teaching has challenged other parts of my education in ways that a test never did, or ever could. It taught me how to take a problem into my own hands, solve it, and make it into something worthwhile. It has taught me to not fear the unknown. I don't just plop the information into my head the night before, I now spend time understanding and learning about the topic. Independent projects are a must-have in the highschool world in my mind. It helped develop my individuality as well as enhancing other talents/interests.
So as a total score on this semester and this project, I give it a 10/10 for going above and beyond, and helping me see that I can go above and beyond.
Thanks Mr. Hazeu for this opportunity.
Peace out!
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Thursday, 30 May 2013
God's Week Has Seven Days
Do you find that you struggle with making time for God? With such busy schedules these days, I know for myself that I do. Which brings my onto the topic of my new bible book; God's Week Has 7 Days by Wally Kroeker.
Now I am already halfway through the book and so that's obviously a good sign. I really enjoy the layout of the book. Chapters are sectioned into the months, and then have mini sections on specific topics within the chapter. I find this style helpful to read because it makes it easier to bookmark, and it also makes me read more because I don't feel obligated to read 30 pages at a time. I also find this style very helpful in doing group discussion prep work. I just read with my notebook beside me and add thoughts on each mini section as I go.
Now let's talk about content. This book focuses on helping us incorporate our relationship with God in all areas of our lives. It talks about giving God your best hours, and challenges us to live different lives and not just fill in the same secular mold (ex. Business world)
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people
for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who
called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9
One of my favourite parts of the book so far was on page 66 called "Waddling Down Unfriendly Aisles". In this portion, Wally describes his experiences of walking into clothing stores and employees judging him and making him feel like he doesn't belong here due to his size. Later, Wally then talks about his experience at a big' n tall type of a store and how welcoming and accepting they were. He then compares the two places to churches and asks:
"Are they sometimes like the snobbish shops in the mall, catering to the beautiful, the sleek and the slender, and coolly avoiding those who are so far from perfection? Or are they more like the Big' n Tall, welcoming the odd shaped, the ungainly, and others who don't fit society's image of acceptability?" -Page 68
I have experience two churches who were just like this example, so I found these questions powerful and true. Church is not meant to be a place where we hold our noses up in the air and judge others and their mistakes. It's a place where broken people (ALL OF US) come together in celebration of a God who loves us all and who accepts us, scars and all.
That is was what I took away from my reading so far. I could've delved more into the book (very good!), but then I'd be looking at a VERY long blog post. Plus, I enjoy having main topics for PCRs, not just a summary of everything I read.
So until next time!
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Tripping At The Finish Line

1. Create 1 more meal and 1 more dessert. Then create a powerpoint of my trials and what I've learnt from each. With this presentation, serve either an medium sized appetizer platter (with three options) or a dessert platter (with 1-3 options).
2. Create 2 more meals and 2 more desserts. Then create a powerpoint of my trials and what I've learnt from each (No food served).
I think personally, I prefer option one. Mainly because I like sharing the food I make and getting my classes feedback (no pun intended!).
So what should I serve my class with my powerpoint? Desserts? Or Appetizers? Leave a comment with your thoughts!
Friday, 24 May 2013
Reflection and True Living
This post is my last update on the book Reason For God by Timothy Keller. I had been warned before reading it that it was a tough read, and now I understand why. Not only does the author use difficult words and confusing sentence structure often, but the topics being discussed are SO huge that it has been hard for me to read more than a page at a time!
One of the questions that stood out a lot for me as well as my book group was : "Is there a Hell?"
This question was INTENSE! When I have thought about it in the past, I have struggled with the idea of God sending his children to an eternal suffering, or people CHOOSING it for that matter! My dad always said to me "I don't believe in a God that would do something like that."
But after some discussing, our teacher joined in and brought up a very good point (in particular for myself and my confusion on the answer). He brought up the point that people can see or hear things and still choose not to believe. They don't want to believe. They are not interested in knowing the God of all things. So its not so much that they 'want' or 'choose' suffering, but that they choose a life without God.
So after the discussion I turned to the Bible and looked into this a bit more, and what God says about eternal life and eternal suffering. What I came to realize is that, not only are we asked to believe, but we are asked to ACT on what we believe. Just like a surgeon cannot earn the title until he has finished Med school, can we as christians earn the title through our actions and work.
In Luke 25:34-46 it talks about just this:
One of the questions that stood out a lot for me as well as my book group was : "Is there a Hell?"
This question was INTENSE! When I have thought about it in the past, I have struggled with the idea of God sending his children to an eternal suffering, or people CHOOSING it for that matter! My dad always said to me "I don't believe in a God that would do something like that."
But after some discussing, our teacher joined in and brought up a very good point (in particular for myself and my confusion on the answer). He brought up the point that people can see or hear things and still choose not to believe. They don't want to believe. They are not interested in knowing the God of all things. So its not so much that they 'want' or 'choose' suffering, but that they choose a life without God.
So after the discussion I turned to the Bible and looked into this a bit more, and what God says about eternal life and eternal suffering. What I came to realize is that, not only are we asked to believe, but we are asked to ACT on what we believe. Just like a surgeon cannot earn the title until he has finished Med school, can we as christians earn the title through our actions and work.
In Luke 25:34-46 it talks about just this:
Then the King will say to those on his right, Come, you who
are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty
and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and
you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to
me. Then the righteous will answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see you
hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a
stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick
or in prison and visit you?
And the King will answer them, Truly, I say to you,
as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.
Then he
will say to those on his left, Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal
fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no
food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not
welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not
visit me. Then they also will answer, saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry
or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to
Then he will answer them, saying, Truly, I say to you, as you did not do
it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me. And these will go away into eternal
punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.
The big thing I took away from Reason For God was a new willingness to find answers for myself. I have developed a deeper interest to try and respond to the bigger questions of christianity and believe they are important to know. I'm not saying that there is an answer to everything, but I feel now an eagerness to check and see, and not just live in ignorant bliss.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Good Morning!

Hope you enjoy and maybe feel inspired to do this for someone else on their birthdays!
Till next time,
Monday, 13 May 2013
Who Were They?
This was the big question this past week as we all worked on writing graduation biographies. Since I am on the yearbook committee (again) I know the importance a good bio is to the whole yearbook experience. Nobody likes reading an emotionally empty biography! So for the bio I have been writing, I have been going for a light hearted but sweet feel.
Something I learned this week while working on these bios was the 6 techniques to effective writing.
these are as follows:
1. Idea (What is the topic?)
2. Organization (How is it laid out?)
3. Word Choice (Specific nouns and action verbs?)
4. Sentence Style (Variety?)
5. Voice (What personally and tone?)
6. Conventions and Corrections (Effort and time put in)
I found these techniques helpful in tidying up my writing. Little fixes here and there.
Writing these bios have kind of been freaking me out! I can't believe how close we are to the end of this chapter! Sometimes it feels like I'm still in elementary counting down the years. Now i'm counting down the days and I can't decide whether I want them to speed up or slow down!
Another part of our week was reflection. My classmates and I would help each other out in writing the grad bios. We would all look back over the years at specific people and events and try to capture them in our writing.
It has been an amazing high school experience (minus all the drama and homework). I have been so blessed with the amazing classmates and close friends I have made. I couldn't have asked for a better grade to graduate with.
Something I learned this week while working on these bios was the 6 techniques to effective writing.
these are as follows:
1. Idea (What is the topic?)
2. Organization (How is it laid out?)
3. Word Choice (Specific nouns and action verbs?)
4. Sentence Style (Variety?)
5. Voice (What personally and tone?)
6. Conventions and Corrections (Effort and time put in)
I found these techniques helpful in tidying up my writing. Little fixes here and there.
Writing these bios have kind of been freaking me out! I can't believe how close we are to the end of this chapter! Sometimes it feels like I'm still in elementary counting down the years. Now i'm counting down the days and I can't decide whether I want them to speed up or slow down!
Another part of our week was reflection. My classmates and I would help each other out in writing the grad bios. We would all look back over the years at specific people and events and try to capture them in our writing.
It has been an amazing high school experience (minus all the drama and homework). I have been so blessed with the amazing classmates and close friends I have made. I couldn't have asked for a better grade to graduate with.
What's Cooking?
Well! Do I ever have a story for you! This past week I attempted..wait for it...AN ENTIRE MEAL! I have to admit, I was a little terrified. I was trying out a new recipe and I wanted my family to like it. So for this week's learning log, I am going to tell you about Trial #2 in the kitchen!
I got the recipe for a BBQ Beef off of All Recipe's 'Recipes in Motion' video. It was a pretty laid back meal to make. I made the BBQ sauce the night before and set out the meat to thaw. Then in the morning before I left for school, I simply put the meat into the slow cooker and the covered it with the sauce. When I got home from school I took the meat out of the cooker, cut it up, and then put it back in for another hour. We ate our BBQ with toasted buns. I found that spreading some mayo onto the bun REALLY enhanced the flavour. Overall my test tasters (my family) and I gave this meal 9/10. The only reason we deducted marks was because we felt that adding onions and some swiss cheese would make it better.
While the meat was simmering for that extra hour, I started on the salad. This salad is one of our family favourites. Simply adding spinach, dried cranberries, and candied sunflower seeds into the bowl, then preparing the dressing. The dressing I made was from the same recipe and it included poppy seeds, sugar, paprika, apple cider vinegar, vegetable oil, and 2 teaspoons of minced onion. My family and I enjoyed this salad but it seemed like something was a bit off (maybe gone bad?).
If something tastes off, how do you figure out what it is?
Last but CERTAINLY not least! I made a dessert. Aw yes, this was the part I was most excited for. I found this awesome recipe from the Baked Perfection's web
site. They are called 'S'more Cookies'. Mmmm...

I usually don't like making changes to new recipes (get a feel for it first, then adjust), but this recipe I felt had WAY too much sugar in it. Not only did it have 1 1/2 cups of sugar (brown and white combined) but it also had graham cracker crumbs, chocolate chunks, little marshmallows, AND chocolate chips. So I didn't add chocolate chips, but it was still quite sweet. So these cookies I would say would have scored better for me personally if they weren't so overly sweet. But they do look fantastic and taste good (with a glass of milk!)
Overall a great experience. I am finding myself more and more comfortable being in the kitchen, and that was the biggest component to this project, so hurray!

If something tastes off, how do you figure out what it is?
Last but CERTAINLY not least! I made a dessert. Aw yes, this was the part I was most excited for. I found this awesome recipe from the Baked Perfection's web
site. They are called 'S'more Cookies'. Mmmm...

I usually don't like making changes to new recipes (get a feel for it first, then adjust), but this recipe I felt had WAY too much sugar in it. Not only did it have 1 1/2 cups of sugar (brown and white combined) but it also had graham cracker crumbs, chocolate chunks, little marshmallows, AND chocolate chips. So I didn't add chocolate chips, but it was still quite sweet. So these cookies I would say would have scored better for me personally if they weren't so overly sweet. But they do look fantastic and taste good (with a glass of milk!)
Overall a great experience. I am finding myself more and more comfortable being in the kitchen, and that was the biggest component to this project, so hurray!
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Scholarship Supporters
Hey everyone! I have loved writing this blog for the past few months and seeing all my views and comments from each of you. It has been a HUGE comfort and happiness to see people enjoy my writing and share with others. BUT! Now I have a favour to ask of you...
I am applying for a scholarship called The Amazing Travel Scholarship from S-Trip and to qualify, I need people to go to the linked page and click support, as well as leaving a comment (comment would be great, but support is most important). So support it, tweet it, comment it, share it...All and any of these things would be wonderful!
So I am posting the link to my page here. I would really like to receive this scholarship and so any support you show would make me SO happy and I would be very appreciative! Thank you all again for being so amazing.
I am applying for a scholarship called The Amazing Travel Scholarship from S-Trip and to qualify, I need people to go to the linked page and click support, as well as leaving a comment (comment would be great, but support is most important). So support it, tweet it, comment it, share it...All and any of these things would be wonderful!
So I am posting the link to my page here. I would really like to receive this scholarship and so any support you show would make me SO happy and I would be very appreciative! Thank you all again for being so amazing.
Reason For God
New book! Last week I started reading a book called Reason For God by Timothy Keller. The book is basically a pastor talking about and attempting to answer frequently heard questions about Christianity-but mainly God. Timothy makes a point of not only referencing the Bible for answers, but philosophies, literature, real life conversations, quotes, and reasoning as well.
Something I have really been enjoying about this book is how well Timothy supports his points. For almost every point he has made (thus far) has been supported by at least 3 of the references listed above. I also enjoy the questions he attempts to answer; such as 'How could a good God allow there to be so much evil and suffering?'. I think he picked good topics and did a good job answering them!
So I want to talk mainly about that question 'How could a good God allow there to be so much evil and suffering?' and how Timothy reveals the greater problem with Non-Believers and world suffering. Here is a quote from page 26:
People, we believe ought not not to suffer, be excluded, die of hunger or oppression. But the evolutionary mechanism of natural selection depends on death, destruction, and violence of the strong against the weak- these things are all perfectly natural. On what basis does an atheist judge the world to be horribly wrong, unfair and unjust? - Timothy Keller
I thought this answer was GENIUS! I had never thought of it that way before, and then it also made me think of a quote I'd read by Einstein in answering the question ' If God created everything, then he created the evil, which means God is evil.':
Does cold exist? In fact, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat.
Does darkness exist? Darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness.
Evil does not exist. It is just like darkness and cold. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart - Albert Einstein.
This book may be quite hard to read (the writing style seems more like a lecture than a personal conversation), but it is very interesting! It is kind of an affirmer in your faith, and it is also good information to know when your faith is challenged.
Lets see how this continues next week!

So I want to talk mainly about that question 'How could a good God allow there to be so much evil and suffering?' and how Timothy reveals the greater problem with Non-Believers and world suffering. Here is a quote from page 26:
People, we believe ought not not to suffer, be excluded, die of hunger or oppression. But the evolutionary mechanism of natural selection depends on death, destruction, and violence of the strong against the weak- these things are all perfectly natural. On what basis does an atheist judge the world to be horribly wrong, unfair and unjust? - Timothy Keller
I thought this answer was GENIUS! I had never thought of it that way before, and then it also made me think of a quote I'd read by Einstein in answering the question ' If God created everything, then he created the evil, which means God is evil.':
Does cold exist? In fact, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat.
Does darkness exist? Darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness.
Evil does not exist. It is just like darkness and cold. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart - Albert Einstein.
This book may be quite hard to read (the writing style seems more like a lecture than a personal conversation), but it is very interesting! It is kind of an affirmer in your faith, and it is also good information to know when your faith is challenged.
Lets see how this continues next week!
Visible Faith (Under the Overpass #2)

So this is my final PCR on the book Under the Overpass by Mike Yankoski. I really enjoyed this book. Not only did it hold a great message to visibly live the christian life (practice what you preach), but it also gave a huge insight to how many people are experiencing homelessness in our on cities or countries, and we do not notice. For this PCR I want to focus mainly on those two elements of the book. One of my favourite quotes from the book is:
“Sometimes it's easy to walk by because we know we can't change someones whole life in a single afternoon. But what we fail to realize it that simple kindness can go a long way toward encouraging someone who is stuck in a desolate place.”- Mike Yankoski
This statement stood out to me so much because it makes sense! Like I mentioned in my last PCR, I did some volunteer work at Siloam Mission with my school. The very first task I had was to go and be friendly with the homeless in the front foyer. I will tell you know, that what nerve racking! All these broken and rugged people watching me as I walked closer did not bring comfort to me, nor did the worries of trying to make conversation. I wanted to change lives. But how would I achieve that? I found out that just asking about someone's day and giving them smiles goes a long way.
I believe a lot of society gives up on homeless people, assuming they're too far gone, criminals, or addicts. While some of that may be true, its not always the case. Under the Overpass was a sweet reminder that no matter your living situation, people are people and therefore should be treated that way.
While reading this book this piece of scripture bounced around in my head from Matthew 25:34-41:
Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
I think what I will take away from this book, more than anything else is that I need to LIVE my faith. Yes, I do believe that faith is a personal thing between yourself and God, but I also believe that God has called us (as written in Matthew) to care for the broke and the hungry. Mike Yankoski has encouraged me to step out of my little bubble and try to care for those who need it. I hope more than anything to return to Siloam Mission soon and continue volunteering there!
Thanks for another great book Mr. Hazeu!
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
A Confusing 451°F Week
Can you guess what this post is going to be about? Maybe a little Bradbury? Yep. As a class we have started discussing the book Fahrenheit 451. Not all of us are finished yet..And I am thinking of rereading parts of it again because I am quite confused..
The questions brought up in class (ex. What societal problems does Bradbury see in his time and exaggerate?) are really good questions that I have no clue on how to answer.
I found the book quite confusing as well as dull. I appreciated Bradbury's skill at creating emotion simply by writing things in a way that cause irritation, confusion, etc. But I found his repetition of this technique kind of annoying (maybe that was the point?) and boring. This book for me was a book I had a hard time focusing on. I would zone out a lot and then have to re-read the whole paragraph!
Another part of the book I had a hard time swallowing was Mildred character. She drove me nuts! The entire time I read about her, I envisioned her as this zombie staring at the screen and selfishly whining over everything Montag would say. Urgh! Why is her character so hard to love? As the reader, I wanted Montag to have a supportive wife, but Mildred just crumpled up that dream! Another question brought up in class was: "How did Mildred and Montag's marriage end up like we see it?". And yet again, I feel like I have no good answer. I assumed that they just kind of got married out of practicality with no real love to begin with and then other time, even more distance grew between them.
So my conclusion from this past week was one of disappointment. I may have 'read' the book, but I didn't READ the book. Maybe due to the fact that I would zone out so much, but now I have to re-read this book just to feel like I've got a grasp of the meaning.
The questions brought up in class (ex. What societal problems does Bradbury see in his time and exaggerate?) are really good questions that I have no clue on how to answer.

Another part of the book I had a hard time swallowing was Mildred character. She drove me nuts! The entire time I read about her, I envisioned her as this zombie staring at the screen and selfishly whining over everything Montag would say. Urgh! Why is her character so hard to love? As the reader, I wanted Montag to have a supportive wife, but Mildred just crumpled up that dream! Another question brought up in class was: "How did Mildred and Montag's marriage end up like we see it?". And yet again, I feel like I have no good answer. I assumed that they just kind of got married out of practicality with no real love to begin with and then other time, even more distance grew between them.
So my conclusion from this past week was one of disappointment. I may have 'read' the book, but I didn't READ the book. Maybe due to the fact that I would zone out so much, but now I have to re-read this book just to feel like I've got a grasp of the meaning.
Suiting Up Your Recipe Options!
This past week was hectic. With report cards around the corner, everyone rushed to get in the late assignments we'd pretended never existed! Project-wise, I have been trying to find recipes and websites, and I found some good ones! Here is a list of the MUST know recipe sites:
1. Youtube:
Probably weren't expecting that, but Youtube seems to have everything! Simply typing in 'How to cook' will bring up a list of options for you to choose from. My favourite thing about using Youtube for cooking/baking is that then I get to watch them MAKE the food, not just a list of 'To Dos' (That's good to have as well!). I use the Allrecipes 'Recipes in Motion' a lot. Great recipe options and usually pretty simple.
2. Baking Addictions:
This blog I came across just recently. The blogger, Jamie posts creative recipes that are both beautiful to the eyes AND the mouth! One of the recipes on my 'Have to Bake' list is her Twix Brownie recipe! My sister loves Twix and I like the fact that its nut free so I know I don't have to change the recipe around (Since I have people in my household who are allergic).
3. Baked Perfection:
This is another really awesome blog I found written by a women named Risa. She has SO many recipes to choose from and I enjoy how unique each one is. I will definitely be using this website for a dessert of some kind!
4. Munchkin Munchies:
I found this last blog just the other day. It isn't fully finished yet (a lot of things say under construction), but the blog has all these cute little treats! As you can probably tell from my last (only) baking trial, I enjoy cute food. So this website was an exciting find! I am looking forward to seeing how it is updated and to find more cute recipes to make.
5. All Recipes:
Well known, I know. But handy none the less. If you haven't used All Recipes before, It is a handy cookbook-like website where people can upload recipes and rate/review them. I use this website mainly for supper dishes and reading suggestions from reviews.
So there you have it! A list of great websites for baking (and cooking). I hope you find this helpful in your own kitchen endeavours. In the next week or so, I plan on posting a NEW TRIAL! Hurray! I'll keep ya posted! (...Pun intended.)
1. Youtube:
Probably weren't expecting that, but Youtube seems to have everything! Simply typing in 'How to cook' will bring up a list of options for you to choose from. My favourite thing about using Youtube for cooking/baking is that then I get to watch them MAKE the food, not just a list of 'To Dos' (That's good to have as well!). I use the Allrecipes 'Recipes in Motion' a lot. Great recipe options and usually pretty simple.
2. Baking Addictions:
This blog I came across just recently. The blogger, Jamie posts creative recipes that are both beautiful to the eyes AND the mouth! One of the recipes on my 'Have to Bake' list is her Twix Brownie recipe! My sister loves Twix and I like the fact that its nut free so I know I don't have to change the recipe around (Since I have people in my household who are allergic).
3. Baked Perfection:
This is another really awesome blog I found written by a women named Risa. She has SO many recipes to choose from and I enjoy how unique each one is. I will definitely be using this website for a dessert of some kind!
4. Munchkin Munchies:
I found this last blog just the other day. It isn't fully finished yet (a lot of things say under construction), but the blog has all these cute little treats! As you can probably tell from my last (only) baking trial, I enjoy cute food. So this website was an exciting find! I am looking forward to seeing how it is updated and to find more cute recipes to make.
5. All Recipes:
Well known, I know. But handy none the less. If you haven't used All Recipes before, It is a handy cookbook-like website where people can upload recipes and rate/review them. I use this website mainly for supper dishes and reading suggestions from reviews.
So there you have it! A list of great websites for baking (and cooking). I hope you find this helpful in your own kitchen endeavours. In the next week or so, I plan on posting a NEW TRIAL! Hurray! I'll keep ya posted! (...Pun intended.)
Sunday, 14 April 2013
A Poetic Week!
This week was a lot of fun! We had the project of finding a poem we really like and then analyzing it. This project brought back childhood memories because I chose to do a poem from Shel Silverstein's 'Where The Sidewalk Ends' book. When I was younger, my aunt would read my cousins and I the goofy poems from that book and it has become a beloved memory of mine. Anyways, for the project I chose the poem called 'Sick' by Shel Silverstein. I really liked this poem because it is about a kid who is trying to get out of going to school because she's too 'sick'. It is a really cute and funny poem, but I also found it pretty easy to relate to.
In my Lit class this week, we have also been looking at poems, but more importantly, how to write them. My teacher showed us a really neat tactic of writing a poem. He had us pick an emotion, then an event you'd experience this emotion, and then write a paragraph about it. Once you had written a paragraph, you cut out unnecessary words and made it into the structure of poem. I chose the emotion 'Excitement' and the situation 'Amusement Park'.
This is what I had done:
I walk through the gates of the amusement park, taking in the smells of buttery popcorn and tasty snacks. The rays of the sun beat down on my back, warming my body as a move through the crowed space. Entering the line for the roller coaster, I hear distant screams of the riders before me. Anticipation runs through me like a trickling brook, flooding every nerve and thought. I pass the old tired ticket man my crumpled ticket, and step onto the coaster. Making that slow vertical climb to the top, a smile creeps up my face as I enjoy looking down and watching the people down below turn into ants, scurrying around. My stomach flips as we fly down the tracks. A scream of excitement escapes my lips , but is lost in the bellowing 'whoosh' of the wind.
And then I converted it (as best I could) into a poem:
So this was my week! I learnt a lot about poetry and am really excited to learn more!
Until next time! (with hopefully another tasty trial to share!)

This is what I had done:
I walk through the gates of the amusement park, taking in the smells of buttery popcorn and tasty snacks. The rays of the sun beat down on my back, warming my body as a move through the crowed space. Entering the line for the roller coaster, I hear distant screams of the riders before me. Anticipation runs through me like a trickling brook, flooding every nerve and thought. I pass the old tired ticket man my crumpled ticket, and step onto the coaster. Making that slow vertical climb to the top, a smile creeps up my face as I enjoy looking down and watching the people down below turn into ants, scurrying around. My stomach flips as we fly down the tracks. A scream of excitement escapes my lips , but is lost in the bellowing 'whoosh' of the wind.
And then I converted it (as best I could) into a poem:
Walking through the gate,
I take in the smells of buttery popcorn and tasty snacks.
The rays of sun on my back
warming me as I move through the crowed.
In line, I hear distant screams.
Anticipation runs through me like a trickling brook,
flooding my every nerve and thought.
I pass the ticket taker my crumpled slip.
Making that slow vertical climb to the top,
a smile creeps up my face.
Looking down, watching the people below turn into ants
scurrying around.
My stomach flips as we fly down.
A scream of excitement escapes my lips
but is lost in the bellowing whoosh of the wind.
So this was my week! I learnt a lot about poetry and am really excited to learn more!
Until next time! (with hopefully another tasty trial to share!)
Monday, 8 April 2013
Let's Pop Into It!
This week I had my first cooking/baking attempt of my independent project! I was looking for something fun and seemingly simple, and I came across the idea of doing Cake Pops. I referenced a lot of different recipes and Youtube videos before beginning. I have to admit, I was super excited to start this baking project since the end result seemed so cute! A lot of websites threw out great ideas for decorating that I was so stoked to try! Here are the ingredients I used:
-Betty Crocker chocolate cake mix
-Betty Crocker chocolate frosting
-Cadbury Milk Chocolate
-White Chocolate Bunny (Easter leftovers!)
-Sprinkles (and other decorations)
-Food Colouring
and then of course, the tricky to find lollipop sticks!
The steps needed to complete this recipe were not tricky, however I did hit a few bumps in the road...
My first big mistake was not letting the cake cool down enough. Before you can form the cake pop balls, you have to bake the cake and let it cool. I only waited about 40min before I started making the balls, causing them to be too moist and quite crumbly. Something important I learned about cake pops from this trial was that; how far you push the lollipop sticks in will affect its outcome. Too far in (more than 2/3) and it will just break in half. Not far enough in, and the cake pop will just slide off the stick when you're dipping. My next little 'oopsie' was not buying enough chocolate! I only bought 1 bar of the milk chocolate, so I was only able to coat half of the cake balls I had formed. The dunking went pretty well (only two cake balls broke during round 1!). The trick to not losing the cake pop in the chocolate (it falling off the stick) is not twist it, but just simply dunk straight in and then straight out.
I had a lot of fun with this recipe! Decorating was a lot of fun, and seeing the outcome was really cool for me. However! It was a LOT of work and can cause a lot of frustration at times. I would not suggest this recipe if you're short for time or if your house is infested with teenagers (if it is- all your hard work will disappear in one gulp!).
I will share some pictures of my experiment, and if you want to try some cake pops as well, I will add a couple links at the bottom for video tutorials I found helpful.
But first! Strange, but interesting facts I learnt during this experiment!
1. Adding water to your melted chocolate will NOT making it more running, it will throw off some sort of a chemical balance cause it to clump into a paste (and waste $5 worth of chocolate)
2. Do not attempt to flush melted chocolate down the toilet as an easy fix to get rid of it. Just..no.
Hope you found this funny and helpful! Feel free to post your thoughts in the comment box below, and if you try Cake Pops, please send me a picture of your tasty snacks and share your trials with me! :)
Divas Can Cook- Cake Pops
Bakerella- Cake Pops
-Betty Crocker chocolate frosting
-Cadbury Milk Chocolate
-White Chocolate Bunny (Easter leftovers!)
-Sprinkles (and other decorations)
-Food Colouring
and then of course, the tricky to find lollipop sticks!
The steps needed to complete this recipe were not tricky, however I did hit a few bumps in the road...

I will share some pictures of my experiment, and if you want to try some cake pops as well, I will add a couple links at the bottom for video tutorials I found helpful.
But first! Strange, but interesting facts I learnt during this experiment!
1. Adding water to your melted chocolate will NOT making it more running, it will throw off some sort of a chemical balance cause it to clump into a paste (and waste $5 worth of chocolate)
2. Do not attempt to flush melted chocolate down the toilet as an easy fix to get rid of it. Just..no.
Hope you found this funny and helpful! Feel free to post your thoughts in the comment box below, and if you try Cake Pops, please send me a picture of your tasty snacks and share your trials with me! :)
Divas Can Cook- Cake Pops
Bakerella- Cake Pops
That Awkward Moment When...
Have you ever experienced a point in your life where you were so excited to do something, but then when it actually came time to doing it, you didn't know what to do or how to start? That is how I have been feeling this past week! If you have been keeping up with my blog, you'd know that I have decided to do cooking as my independent project. However, deciding what to cook first? Yeah, that has not been easy. Not only has deciding what to make been frustrating, but choosing when to make it has been a battle as well! It seemed like any night I would offer to make supper, something would get in the way. So how do you move forward in these situations? I really started not liking my project at this point because it felt like it wouldn't work and that I wouldn't be good at it.
However, I sought guidance from my teacher and my peers, and they helped me regain my confidence in this project. So mainly the week (back in March..This one is a TAD late!) was filled with research and learning about each other's projects. Some of the project topics my peers are doing include, psychology, building design, oil sands, and many more fascinating things! My research mainly consisted of searching for cooking/baking blogs and recipe tutorials on YouTube.
I learnt a lot about different things this week, but probably most important thing I learnt was that even if you lose your confidence or interest, you need to get back up and persevere. When you do this, the tainted glasses you were looking through before -distorting your talents and interests- fly off your head and you regain that love and interest you had to begin with.
So hopefully this down week will not be followed by another!
Until next time, friends!

I learnt a lot about different things this week, but probably most important thing I learnt was that even if you lose your confidence or interest, you need to get back up and persevere. When you do this, the tainted glasses you were looking through before -distorting your talents and interests- fly off your head and you regain that love and interest you had to begin with.
So hopefully this down week will not be followed by another!
Until next time, friends!
Sunday, 7 April 2013
Under The Overpass
New book time! I started reading Under the Overpass by Mike Yankoski. If you haven't heard of this book, I will give you a basic rundown. Mike and a friend of his feel called to experience true trust in God and gain a better understanding of homelessness in America. So Mike and his friend Sam spend five months going moving from five different cities to see if their faith in God was real- if they are the christians they claim to be outside of their comfort zones.
I am at the point in the book where they have completed their first month in Denver and have begun their journey in Washington DC. I am finding it hard to write about this book, mainly for the fact that it doesn't really state opinions or newer concepts often. There are some things however that stood out to me that I will make note of in this PCR.
First thing that I want to say is how impressed I am with their faith thus far. It's incredible! How many of us would willingly choose to live on the streets for 5 months? I know I would have a hard time with that one. What I like the most though is how they rely on God for their everyday needs. Thinking about my life and how I can get food when I want, how I want, and whatever I want (mostly), and then comparing it to a person living on the streets who has no idea when their next meal is, there is quite a substantial difference! When Mike is talking about this on page 58, I thought of the Bible verse from Romans 15:13:
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit"
Another thing I really enjoyed was Mikes thoughts on 'mercy' on pages 61-62. At this point in the book, Mike and Same are panhandling and watching people pass by without even a glance at them. Mike is starting to get upset with the fact nobody is showing them mercy and then he says:
"I felt my frustration rising until I realized how unentitled I really was. No one deserves mercy. And no one walking by owed us a dime. Mercy is, by definition, undeserved, or else it isn't mercy.
Every coin in the case looked different after that."-Pg 62
Why I liked this so much was because of a recent intercity experience I had with my classmates. We lived on the floor of a homeless shelter for a week, and we were complaining a LOT ! (not all of us, mainly me). And usually our complaints were about how/what we were being served or that the floor hurt our backs and that it was cold. But also a minute after, I would feel so awful for complaining because it could be so much worse. Yes I woke up cold, but at least I was inside and not out in the snow. No that was not the most tasty meal ever, but at least I was blessed with a meal! So when Mike had that realization the money he was given was undeserved and merciful, I connected with him because I had realizations like that a lot during my week at the shelter.
I am finding myself truly enjoying this book and the connections I have been able to make since i've been on the Inter City Experience trip. The author's story is so intriguing and the lessons learnt are worthwhile to keep for your own life and experiences.
Until next time!

First thing that I want to say is how impressed I am with their faith thus far. It's incredible! How many of us would willingly choose to live on the streets for 5 months? I know I would have a hard time with that one. What I like the most though is how they rely on God for their everyday needs. Thinking about my life and how I can get food when I want, how I want, and whatever I want (mostly), and then comparing it to a person living on the streets who has no idea when their next meal is, there is quite a substantial difference! When Mike is talking about this on page 58, I thought of the Bible verse from Romans 15:13:
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit"
Another thing I really enjoyed was Mikes thoughts on 'mercy' on pages 61-62. At this point in the book, Mike and Same are panhandling and watching people pass by without even a glance at them. Mike is starting to get upset with the fact nobody is showing them mercy and then he says:
"I felt my frustration rising until I realized how unentitled I really was. No one deserves mercy. And no one walking by owed us a dime. Mercy is, by definition, undeserved, or else it isn't mercy.
Every coin in the case looked different after that."-Pg 62
Why I liked this so much was because of a recent intercity experience I had with my classmates. We lived on the floor of a homeless shelter for a week, and we were complaining a LOT ! (not all of us, mainly me). And usually our complaints were about how/what we were being served or that the floor hurt our backs and that it was cold. But also a minute after, I would feel so awful for complaining because it could be so much worse. Yes I woke up cold, but at least I was inside and not out in the snow. No that was not the most tasty meal ever, but at least I was blessed with a meal! So when Mike had that realization the money he was given was undeserved and merciful, I connected with him because I had realizations like that a lot during my week at the shelter.
I am finding myself truly enjoying this book and the connections I have been able to make since i've been on the Inter City Experience trip. The author's story is so intriguing and the lessons learnt are worthwhile to keep for your own life and experiences.
Until next time!
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