Our second semester English class consists of six students. Thats right. Six. Since the class is so small, our teacher decided it was time to attempt a new way of running this class. Like I mentioned in last week's post, we begin each class by reading a poem and analyzing it, and then we talk about 451 Fahrenheit or continue reading.
However, after being inspired by a video of students teaching themselves school material, we have been looking into doing our own independent projects.

This new way of learning is very peculiar to me, but also very intriguing. For so long I have been told what to know and taught how to know it, but never once did I really felt in control of my learning. It felt like the knowledge went into my brain, stayed their until after my exams, and then was thrown away like a smooth stone into a lake, out of my reach forever.
But when you are passionate about something and can learn it the way that YOUR brain understands it, it seems the knowledge takes root.
So I am very excited about this project and the unpredictable ending it holds. Questions like "Will it work?" and "Will we learn everything we need to for the exam?" have whirled around in my brain, but i'm deciding to stay optimistic! So far, these are some of the ideas I have on what I should do for my project:
a) Create a Music Video:
- Write an original song and record the music on an application (ex. Garage Band), then create a music video outline, video tape it, and edit.
b) Teach myself ASL:
- Take a more in depth look at American Sign Language and spend a certain amount of time a day studying it. As a final report, I would present my experience and some of what I learnt to the class using both speech and sign language.
c) Learn How to Cook:
- Once a week I would find a recipe and attempt to make food. Through March-June, I would keep a record of my experiences (what mistakes I made, what worked well, suggestions, what I learnt, etc) , as well as taking pictures of each end result. At the end of the semester I would make presentation with my findings and talk about the experience. (as well as a video of me teaching viewers how to make a specific dish?)
Please share your thoughts on my ideas and tell me which one you prefer. Or, if you have a good suggestion, feel free to share!